

Students may choose to begin the program during either of the 10-day residencies in March and August.

赌博十大靠谱软件以滚动方式承认. You may apply at any time during the year and we will respond with an admission decision within five to six weeks from the date your application is completed. 当一个队列被填满时,赌博十大靠谱软件将提供延期录取. 尽早申请可以帮助你在你喜欢的日期开始工作.

应用前 11月1日 在3月份的冬季驻地开始这个项目.

应用前 5月1日 在8月份的夏季实习期间开始这个项目.

赌博十大靠谱软件现在为优秀的申请者提供优秀奖学金! T在这里 is no separate process to apply; all admitted students will be considered for aid.

可以启动在线应用程序 在这里.

创造性的手稿将被给予特别的重视. The applicant must submit 10 pages of poetry or 25 to 30 double-spaced pages of prose, 无论是小说还是创造性的非小说, 在学生选择的体裁中. (就散文而言, the applicant must decide whether to send an excerpt of a longer manuscript or stories or essays that fall within the page limit.) The steering committee does not accept fiction applications with writing samples that are in genre fiction (science fiction, 幻想, 浪漫, 神秘, 西方, 等等). 您必须将您的手稿以PDF文件的形式发送到 Grad招生 Please include your full name and the degree you're applying for (MFA) on the manuscript and in the body of the email.

Applicants must also submit a three- to four-page (double-spaced) personal essay describing their development as a writer and as a person of faith. 请注意,你不必采取严格的时间顺序方法, 也没有必要告诉赌博十大靠谱软件你童年的各种文学作品. We would also be interested to learn why you have applied to our program and which contemporary writers have influenced you. (你将在网上申请表格中上传这篇文章.)

必须提交三项建议. 二是注重申请人的写作能力. 应该提到申请人的学术成就. The online application form will guide you to contact those you wish to write recommendations, 他们将以电子方式提交他们的信件.

报名费为50美元,不可退还. 这笔费用不能免除. 经济援助以学生贷款的形式提供. Applicants must apply for these funds within the deadlines outlined on the application form.

虽然GRE成绩不是必需的, the applicant must have a bachelor’s degree and must submit official transcripts from previous schools attended via post.

将成绩单邮寄到以下地址:研究生招生处, 好的赌博软件推荐, 第三大道西3307号, 套房115 - g, 西雅图, 华盛顿, 98119-1922.


We have a small number of partial merit scholarships available for outstanding applicants. 他们将根据申请人的写作的优点来授予. 申请奖学金不需要单独的申请. 接受者将在接受进入该计划的时间或接近时间收到通知.

有关财政援助的信息,请访问SPU 学生财务服务,特别是 研究生资源.


有关学生贷款资格的信息,请访问 学生资助贷款页面.

International graduate students are not eligible for federal financial aid; however, 他们有资格获得择优奖学金.

学生视频 & 教师

观看视频 of the Master of Fine Arts Program in Creative Writing to hear students and faculty talk about their experiences in the program:


  1. 你的MFA的宗教维度是如何影响这个项目的?
  2. Would my creative writing project have to have overt, Christian themes, symbols, situations?
  3. Does the MFA have to be finished in two to three years or can a student take longer?
  4. 赌博十大靠谱软件接受学分转换吗?
  5. 赌博十大靠谱软件需要任何标准化测试吗?
  6. 在我申请之前,你能帮我看一下我发表的一些作品吗?
  7. 有没有可能选修多种类型的课程?
  8. 在节目的过程中会接触到其他类型的音乐吗?
  9. Can I enroll concurrently in the MFA program and the SPU teaching certification program?
  10. 我在哪里可以找到学费信息?
  11. 你们接受已经有硕士学位的人吗?
  12. 我是不是太老了,不能被你们的项目录取了?
  13. 我担心住院医生的时间安排. 你能告诉我什么?
  14. 你们的项目有教学实习吗?
  15. 美术硕士被认为是终极学位吗?
  16. You ask for two letters of recommendation from those who can speak to my writing abilities and one from an academic perspective. 我不能满足那个要求. 我该怎么办??
  17. 有奖学金吗??
  18. 我之前的学位不是文学或创意写作. 那会影响我的申请吗?
  19. 我还没有写多少有创意的文章,但我想写. 我应该申请你们的项目吗?
  20. 我没有发表过任何东西. 这会降低我申请的竞争力吗?
  21. Must I apply only for the August residency/autumn academic quarter start to the program?

1) 你的MFA的宗教维度是如何影响这个项目的? Here's what we write in our brochure: "Our program seeks to extend the tradition of Christian writing in which the highest standards of art, 一次对人类经验的大胆探索, 以及对超凡神秘的尊重.“赌博十大靠谱软件认真对待这三个元素:美学卓越, 用不加掩饰的热情去理解人生的真谛, 以及对上帝信仰的开放. This means that our program will be as rigorous as any in the nation--our interest in religion will in no way induce us to take any intellectual or literary "short cuts." But part of our program will involve reflection on writing as a spiritual practice as well as the particular issues that writers of faith must struggle with. All MFA students take a course on "Art and Faith" every residency to raise a series of profound spiritual and aesthetic questions. Optional lectures and worship services will also be available to students at the residencies.

2) Would my creative writing project have to have overt, Christian themes, symbols, situations? 绝对不是. No restrictions will be placed on the subject matter of the work produced in the MFA. Most of what is called "Christian fiction" today is little more than genre fiction with didactic religious messages tacked on. 赌博十大靠谱软件的节目致力于严肃的创作, 持久的文学, 无论宗教信仰如何,受过教育的人都能读懂的作品. 在赌博十大靠谱软件的节目中产生的创意写作注定是为公共广场, 不是宗教亚文化.

3) 硕士学位必须在两到三年内完成,还是学生可以花更长的时间? 学生可以在课程中请假. No leave of absence may involve more than three consecutive quarters of the normal academic year. 这意味着你可能需要长达五年的时间来完成学位, 虽然赌博十大靠谱软件不建议这样做. 连续四个季度或五年缺勤, 先到者为准, 学生必须重新申请该课程并重新开始.

4) 你们接受学分转换吗? No. 因为每个写作程序都是不同的, we would like the student to fully engage in the experience and process of writing within the SPU MFA.

5) 你需要任何标准化测试吗? No. 以评估申请人的写作能力, 赌博十大靠谱软件的课程最强调创意写作手稿.

6) 在我申请之前,你能帮我看一下我发表的一些作品吗? We welcome you to submit an excerpt of your published work as part of your application, 但是在你提交申请之前,赌博十大靠谱软件不能阅读你的任何文字.

7) 有没有可能选修多种类型的课程? 是的. 然而,计划将你的学习延长一年. Studying two genres will require more time than the normal two-year schedule allows, 考虑到项目的严谨性.

8) 在节目的过程中会接触到其他类型的音乐吗? During the residencies we require that students attend a certain number of classes in their chosen genres. 将有机会参加研讨会, 全体会议, 阅读, 以及各种类型的讲座.

9) Can I enroll concurrently in the MFA program and the SPU teaching certification program? 是的. Our low-residency structure is conducive to those students who wish to maintain their full time jobs or continue in another area of graduate work. 然而, students should keep in mind that our program requires a minimum of 25 hours of MFA work per week in order to be successful in the program. 欲知详情,请浏览本网站的“学位要求”网页.

10) 我在哪里可以找到学费信息? 访问 学生财务服务 查看最新学费.

11) 你们接受已经有硕士学位的人吗? 是的. 赌博十大靠谱软件的课程将为学生提供独特的体验, 感谢赌博十大靠谱软件对艺术和宗教信仰之间关系的兴趣.

12) 我是不是太老了,不能被你们的项目录取了? 低居住率的mfa对于所谓的“成熟”学生来说是完美的. 通常,这些项目中有很大比例的学生属于这一类. 所以,不,申请赌博十大靠谱软件的项目没有年龄限制.

13) 我担心住院医生的时间安排. 你能告诉我什么? Please keep in mind that making a commitment to a program like the MFA may require you to ask employers for extraordinary leniency in terms of when you attend our residencies. 赌博十大靠谱软件知道三月的住院医师, 特别是, 可能不正好赶上全国各地不同的春假吗. 请记住,完成赌博十大靠谱软件的课程总共需要五名住院医生. 2018年的驻留将于3月15日至25日和8月9日至19日举行.

14) 你们的项目有教学实习吗? No.

15) 美术硕士被认为是终极学位吗? 是的. The MFA has traditionally been considered the terminal degree for those who wish to teach creative writing at the college level.

16) You ask for two letters of recommendation from those who can speak to my writing abilities and one from an academic perspective. 我不能满足那个要求. 我该怎么办?? 尽量写出你能写出的最好的三封信.

17) 有奖学金吗?? 是的. 有少量的部分奖学金, 并将根据申请人的写作成绩进行奖励. MFA奖学金可以将项目的总成本降低近三分之一, making it one of the best scholarship opportunities on the low-residency MFA market. 申请奖学金不需要单独的申请. 获奖者将在被录取进入该计划时收到通知.

18) 我之前的学位不是文学或创意写作. 那会影响我的申请吗? No. 你以前的专业和专业都不相关. 作家来自非常不同的背景. 你的申请中最重要的部分是创意写作样本.

19) 我还没有写多少有创意的文章,但我想写. 我应该申请你们的项目吗? 可能不是. We're looking for individuals who have felt compelled to write creatively over a number of years.

20) 我没有发表过任何东西. 这会降低我申请的竞争力吗? No. While we are interested in people who have demonstrated that they have felt driven to produce creative writing over a number of years, 赌博十大靠谱软件不使用出版作为评估申请的标准. Publication is a tricky business, so we will focus our attention on the creative writing sample.

21) Must I apply only for the August residency/autumn academic quarter start to the program? No. 你可以申请从春季学期和3月份开始你的课程. 为了被考虑三月入学,你必须在11月1日之前申请.