

Whether you are an undergraduate or a Seminary student interested in pursuing studies in worship ministries, 西雅图 Pacific’s 礼拜中心 offers an ever-growing number of worship courses available for credit through SPU’s 神学院 and Music Department. Undergraduate students can also pursue a minor in 敬拜艺术及领导.

Worship Courses for Undergraduate Credit

亩3401: 音乐与敬拜

哲学研究哲学的研究, 圣经, and theological relationships of music to worship in the Christian church.

THEO 3403: History and Theology of Christian Music

An examination of representative liturgical practices and worship spaces from different periods, 文化, and branches of the Christian tradition that will not only ask how Christians in various times and places have actually worshipped God, but also ask how Christians ought — and ought not — to worship. The course will suggest theological tests for determining when worship has degenerated into emotionalism, 形式主义, 或迷信. You will be expected to attend Sunday worship services at several different churches in the 西雅图 metro area.

THEO 3722: Christian Disciplines: Worship as a Spiritual Discipline

An investigation of worship as a Christian spiritual practice, 或纪律, 深切的灵修生活的中心.

THEO 3500: Christ and Culture: Gospel Music Culture

基督与文化,西奥3500, is the study of a "hot button" topic of contemporary importance for Christ's people when engaging our culture to change the world. "Gospel Music Culture" is the study of Negro spirituals, 黑色的赞美诗, 美国瓦茨圣歌, 和福音, which have shaped and framed the ethos of the African-American church for more than 200 years. The course will explore the history of African-American sacred music traditions and their theology, 解读圣经的方法, 音乐分析. Each quarter a different topic will be studied with attention given to how theological and 圣经 instruction shapes distinctively Christian responses to the issues staked out. A case-study approach with interactive class sessions will be the norm. This course may not be used to satisfy 神学院 major or minor requirements. May be repeated for credit up to 18 credits.

MUS 4401:教会之歌
教会歌唱的研究, 包括它的历史, 它的类型, 批评, and its effective use in the worship service.

MUS 4899: Music, Musician, and Religious Experience

这个顶点课程, 以及MUS 4654和4655, involves an integrative approach to advanced 音乐家hip. 这个过程包括阅读, 写作, 听, 分析, 作文, 即兴创作, 对位法, 计算机符号. The in-depth study of great works such as Bach's "St. 马太福音的热情,亨德尔的《赌博十大靠谱软件》,《赌博十大靠谱软件》," and Duke Ellington’s “Sacred Services" offers you the opportunity to reflect on the integration of your discipline and faith, 更多的文科经验, 还有使命感. This course counts toward the Music Department’s context studies requirement. Prerequisites: MUS 1101, 1102, 1103, 2601, 2602, and 2603.

THEO 4911: 敬拜艺术及领导 Seminar

本课程汇集了, 进群, 视觉艺术家, 音乐家, 电影制作人和剧院工作人员. 从神学的角度看, in the context of spiritual formation and discipline, students will investigate worship arts leadership and liturgics. The course will also explore how reconciliation, 祈祷, 痛苦, 承诺, 在智慧和身量上成长, are aspects of Christian Spiritual Disciplines.

THEO 4931: 敬拜艺术及领导 Practicum

Through the creation of new artistic performance practice systems, icons, and spaces for leading and designing Congregational Christian Worship, students will learn how to implement a theology of worship arts into both liturgical and non-liturgical contexts. The practicum course will also explore how reconciliation, 祈祷, 痛苦, 承诺, 在智慧和身量上成长, are aspects of Christian spiritual disciplines. 可以重复一次吗.


THEO 6403: Theology of Christian Worship

An examination of the doctrinal content, aesthetic form and intended ethical outcomes of Christian worship, including an in-depth study of representative liturgies and theologies of word and sacrament from the Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Protestant traditions. The class may make several Sunday morning site visits to 西雅图-area churches in the 西雅图 area that use these liturgies.

THEO 6412: Leading and Designing Congregational Worship

An exploration of the relevance of theological and 圣经 instruction — through a variety of resources such as music, 视觉艺术, 诗歌, drama and dance — that equips you to design and lead faith communities in worship.

“The entire reason for our worship is that God deserves it.”
Marva J. 黎明
A Royal “Waste” of Time: The Splendor of Worshiping God and Being Church for the World
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