School of Business, 政府, and 经济学



Deeply grounded in Christian faith and values, we develop leaders who advance human flourishing through service in business, 政府, 公民社会.

SBGE distinctives

While the programs of the School of Business, 政府, and 经济学 are appropriately similar to those offered by other universities in the coverage of the basic disciplinary knowledge and skills, at 好的赌博软件推荐 they reflect two mission-driven distinctives:

  • 发展和促进 a theologically based understanding of business, economics, and politics.
  • 做一个优秀的供应商 应用学习.


  • 会计 (主要)
  • 工商管理 (大调、小调和曲目)
    • 工商管理 tracks: 经济学; Finance; Information Systems; International Business; Management; Marketing; Public 政策; Social Enterprise
  • 经济学 (大调、小调和曲目)
    • 经济学跟踪: Business Analysis; Development 经济学; Financial 经济学; Public 政策
  • 创业 (小)
  • 全球发展研究 (主要)
  • Politics, 哲学, and 经济学 (主要)
    • Politics, 哲学, and Economis tracks:Applied 经济学; Financial 经济学; International Affairs; 哲学; Law; Public Administration; Social Enterprise
  • 政治科学 (大调、小调和曲目)
    • 政治学方向: Public 政策/Law; International Affairs



Spreadsheet competency requirement

All majors in SBGE are required to show competency in spreadsheets. Find out the ways that this competency requirement can be satisfied.


School of Business, 政府, and 经济学

参观 School of Business, 政府, and 经济学 website for descriptions of this school’s majors and minors. See how a degree from this school can help you achieve your goals to make a difference in the world.
