
If you are not seeking a degree at 西雅图太平洋, but wish to take courses, you may be 能力 to do so as a non-matriculated student. 

Below are 政策 related to non-matriculated students:

  • 没有申请费 不被大学录取.
  • 如果一个学生决定 to pursue a degree or certificate program at SPU, he or she is required to go through 的 normal admissions process.
  • 不超过45学分 taken as a non-matriculated student may apply toward an undergraduate degree.
  • 不超过15学分 may be applied to a post-baccalaureate degree.
  • 最大信贷负荷 每季度18个学分.
  • 登记 for non-matriculated students takes place after matriculated students have had a chance to register. 登记 dates for non-matriculated students are listed in 的 校历.
  • By enrolling in undergraduate courses at SPU, students agree to comply with 的 expectations, 政策, and procedures in 的 Student Handbook, 包括 学生行为准则.
  • Non-matriculated学生 are not eligible to receive financial aid and will pay regular tuition for courses on a per-credit basis.
  • 退伍军人 must be admitted to a degree program in order to receive benefits through 的 退伍军人 Administration.
  • Non-matriculated international students who are non-native 英语 speakers* must submit an accept能力 official 英语 proficiency test score to 的 司法常务官办公室 in Demaray大厅 151 in order to register for classes. 除了, 的y must submit required government documentation to 国际学生服务 no later than 的 first day of 的 quarter in which 的y are enrolled.
  • Non-matriculated学生 are not eligible to participate in clubs or student government organizations.

To register as a non-matriculated student, complete 登记 Form for Non-Matriculated学生 (AdobeSign Webform)和 submit to 的 司法常务官办公室 (OTR) to be processed.

This form asks for directory information, 你的社会安全号码, 你的出生日期, 要求的课程, 还有你的签名. It is important to indicate all current contact information so that 的 student may receive information from SPU departments. 大学会检讨 的 completed form to determine whe的r you will be permitted to take courses as a non-matriculated student.

Course offerings can be found in 的 时间表. Students should note that some courses may not be avail能力 to non-matriculated students and/or that some courses may have registration restriction or required prerequisites.

*SPU considers an international student to be a native 英语 speaker if both 的ir primary and secondary education took place in Australia, 加拿大(魁北克除外), 英国, 爱尔兰, 新西兰, 或者是美国.S. (波多黎各除外).