Chemistry and Biochemistry

Programs offered
  • Biochemistry (major)
  • Chemistry (majors and minor)

化学主要研究物质、能量及其相互作用. Chemists do a wide variety of things:

  • Make new substances, including new materials and medicines.
  • Design new ways to make known compounds.
  • Isolate and determine chemical structures of naturally occurring substances.
  • Elucidate the chemical mechanisms behind biological processes.
  • Attempt to explain the changes matter undergoes.
  • Develop and apply analytical techniques 用于刑事调查和环境问题.
  • 教化学,在化学工业工作,并应用 用化学知识解决其他社会和技术问题.

化学家也关心他们的工作和技术对社会和个人的影响. 他们站在确保技术为人类服务的最前沿.

At Seattle Pacific, 如果你想从事化学工作,这个系的课程就是为你设计的, biochemistry, or science education, 或者如果你有兴趣在医学方面继续深造, dentistry, pharmacy, engineering, or the other sciences.

Find out more about this department’s mission, vision, and learning outcomes.

Biochemistry (BS)



  • A minimum 103 credits, 本专业修满49个上级学分.
  • To complete this degree in four years, 在大一的第一季度开始学习CHM 1211和MAT 1234.
  • If you are interested in health sciences, refer to Pre-Professional Health Programs.

Chemistry (BA)


如果你准备去医学院或牙科学校, a career in medical technology, pharmacy, or related fields, 或者在中学教化学, this major is intended for you. 

  • 本专业至少需要80个学分, 包括化学的37个学分.
  • 如果你对医学事业感兴趣, 牙科,或其他与健康相关的领域,请参考 Pre-Professional Health Programs.

Chemistry (BS)



如果你打算攻读化学专业学位或计划毕业或其他化学方面的高级工作,建议你选择本专业, pharmacy, professional health sciences, medical school, toxicology, forensic science, and certain aspects of molecular biology.

  • 本专业至少要求修满100学分, 包括52个化学学分.
  • To complete this degree in four years, 一般来说,你应该在大一的第一季度开始学习CHM 1211和MAT 1234.
  • 如果你打算读化学研究生, additional mathematics (e.g.(MAT 1236, MAT 3237和MAT 3360)可以由你的指导老师推荐.
  • This major is guided by recommendations of the American Chemical Society 并且应该为你在化学方面的研究生工作或作为一名化学家的工作做准备.
  • 如果你对药学、医学、牙科或其他健康科学领域的职业感兴趣,refer to Pre-Professional Health Programs.

Chemistry minor


  • 化学/生物化学至少35个学分; 这门辅修课需要修满20个高年级学分.
  • 你必须包括CHM 1211普通化学I (5 credits) and CHM 1212 General Chemistry II (5 credits).
  • Chemistry electives must include at least three of these areas:  organic, inorganic, analytical, physical, environmental, and biochemistry. 

Entering and completing the major or minor

为了获得学位,你必须完成至少一个学术专业. 上海外国语大学鼓励学生探索不同的学术路径, 所以如果你改变主意选大调还是小调, or want to include an additional program, you are able to do so, as outlined below.

请注意,大学鼓励你在大三开始时进入你选择的专业和辅修专业. 转学为三年级和四年级的学生应在SPU的前两个季度内进入一个专业.

  • If this is your first quarter at SPU 你在申请大学的时候把这个系的专业作为你的第一选择, you have gained entry to the major.
  • 更改或增加本系的主修或辅修, follow these instructions.
  • 这所大学要求成绩达到C或更高 in all classes that apply to a major or minor; however, 某些课程可能要求更高的最低成绩. 为了获得更高的分数,你只能重修SPU的课程一次.
  • To advance in this program, 定期与指导老师讨论你的成绩, course progression, 以及其他令人满意的学业进步指标. 如果你的成绩或其他因素表明你可能无法成功完成主修或辅修课程, 你的指导老师可以和你一起探索各种选择, 这可能包括选择不同的主修或辅修.
  • 你必须完成主要或次要的要求 在你进入主修或辅修专业的那一年,在SPU本科目录中有效.

Future teachers


Elementary Teacher Certification

如果你计划获得实习教师资格证书,并对化学教学感兴趣, you must major in the Integrated Studies major with a concentration in Natural Sciences.


自然科学方向的指导老师是. Kara Gray (

有关初级认证计划的更多信息可在 School of Education.  

Secondary Teacher Certification

如果您计划获得二级住院医师资格证书, 你应该完成化学学士学位的要求和认证所需的任何额外要求. 有关二级认证的信息可在 School of Education

Time Schedule:

Course planning: Suggested course sequences